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Below is a quick review of the information and guidelines of the class. Parents, please read through and review with your child.  As always feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

New Guidelines in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Although I am taking safety measures to create a safe and healthy environment for everyone in the class, you are attending the class or workshop at your own risk. Neither Tanigawa Studio, the Katin Place Building where my studio is located, nor other locations involved in my art program are not responsible for you contracting COVID-19 or any other communicable diseases as a result of you attending the class.

  • All classes will be held at my studio

  • The class size will be limited to a maximum of 6 students, and they will be seated 6′ apart

  • You may attend the class only by appointment. Please do not attend the class unannounced to maintain an accurate count of the class

  • If you or any family member in your household are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend the class. Email or text me immediately to notify your absence 

  • Everyone who enters the classroom will be asked to wash their hands in the hallway bathroom with soap before the class starts

  • Wearing a face mask during the class is optional, but recommended for those who are immune compromised, concerned about getting COVID, and/or recovering from COVID after the quarantine period.

  • I have hand sanitizer, but my supply is currently very limited. Please consider bringing your own hand sanitizer or washing your hands in the hallway bathroom

  • Until further notice, no art supplies will be shared. Please bring your own pencil sharpener, graphite pencils, eraser, ruler and other supplies. Drawing paper and tracing paper will still be provided. Students, please don’t share art supplies with others unless they live in the same household!

  • To ensure adequate time for cleaning and disinfecting between classes, please do not enter the classroom earlier than 5 min before the class starts. I will be asking students to start packing away 5 min before the class ends. Parents, please pick up your child promptly and on time

  • Parents and students who wish to speak to me before or after class in person will need to set up an appointment via email to prevent having more than 5 people in the classroom and ensure thorough disinfecting in between classes. If the communication can be done via email, please email me instead.

  • To accommodate cleaning time, the Saturday late afternoon class will start 5 minutes later, from 3:45-5:45 

  • If you are in the high-risk group and/or do not feel comfortable taking the class in person, please consider taking my online art class!

Open Sessions

During the Fall and Spring semester, I have a few classes which are open sessions.  You are welcome to take these classes without the weekly semester commitment or paying the registration fee.   The session fee is $37/2hr session.  There will be no refund or credit given for the open session class purchase. 

Tuition Payment

All class fees are due on the first class of the month even if you miss the class that day.  Your monthly tuition payment is made through my class scheduling site.  If you wish to pay with a check or cash only please email me at least 48hrs before the first class of the month.  If you will miss the first class of the month, please mail the check to the following mailing address:

Tanigawa Studio

119 W. Virginia St., Ste 303 

McKinney, TX 75069

Not making the tuition payment past 48hrs of the first class will result in a $10 late fee added to your invoice and missing the payment by the second class date of the month will result in the loss of your seat in the class.  This applies to all payment methods.  The full invoice and $10 late fee must be paid in full, and partial payments will not be accepted.  Please note, repeatedly being late with your monthly tuition payments may result in the loss of your seat in the class.

Missed Classes

I understand everyone’s busy schedule and responsibilities from other commitments so I try my best to accommodate your changing schedule.  If you already know you will be missing some classes, please email me before the last Monday of the month.  If you can make up for the session some other time, please let me know when you would like to come.  If you cannot, I can make an adjustment to the tuition fee.

If something comes up and you cannot make it, please give a 48hr advance notice to arrange a make-up session.  The make-up session credit will be valid for 30 days.  For any emergency or sickness, please contact me asap before the class starts.

Your make-up session must be prearranged via email.  Please do not come to the class unannounced.  While I will do my best to accommodate your schedule, you may not be able to make up your desired date due to some classes being full.

Please note that no-call no-shows and an email sent during or after the class are not eligible for session credit or make-up sessions.

Refund Policy

There is no refund for classes or commissioned art. The refund may be considered on a case-by-case basis for art reproduction. Please note that the processing fee for the transaction (about 4% of the amount paid) will not be refunded.

Class Cancellation

From time to time, I may need to cancel the class for kids’ school and art events.  I will do my best to notify you at the beginning of the month and your class fee will be prorated accordingly.

Inclement Weather

In case of inclement weather, an email/text will be sent two hours prior to class time.  Art House is typically closed when McKinney ISD closes due to inclement weather.  I know many of you travel to the Art House from outside of the McKinney area. Please use your best judgment and contact me when it is not safe for you to travel.  When there is a severe thunderstorm with a tornado warning during the class, we will evacuate to the McKinney Library.  I will text all parents if we do, but if there is a disruption in the communication system you may not receive the text.  Please check the library if you do not see us at the Art House.

Class Conduct

Most of the classes are mixed-age classes and some of the students are as young as 9 years old.  Please keep the class environment PG and refrain from conversations that can be taken offensively/non-PG.  I welcome students to play music of their own choice, but keep the music selection PG even if you are using earbuds…yes, we can still hear your music through your earbuds. 

You are welcome to use your electronic devices for additional reference photos and/or music during the class, but please limit using your devices for playing games, catching up on social media, and texting with friends.  Students are welcome to text parents to arrange pick-up after the class, but please be sensible with your device usage.

Please come to the class prepared and bring all your supplies and the reference photo.  If you are starting a new project, please spend some time at home brainstorming what you would like to draw and print some pictures for the class.  We have some books and magazines for you as a reference, but students often spend almost half of the session looking for the next project and end up with a project that wasn’t quite what they were looking for.  Please utilize class time wisely.

School-aged students are welcome to take bathroom breaks, walk around the classroom to stretch their legs, and watch other students’ work, but they must remain in the classroom during class time for their safety.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you all in the class!


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