Hello Everyone! Welcome back to my weekly Journal Inspirations!
Last week, we used our imaginations to paint the picture of our dream life. How did you feel? You may have experienced lightness and a sense of relief, followed by doubts and heaviness because you realized that there is no way you will get there.
Let's get deeper into our sense of doubts, and the voices that tell you you can't. What is stopping you from pursuing your dreams and passions? This leads us to this week's journal prompt:
List everything that makes you stop from pursuing your dreams and passions. It can be your situations, circumstances, beliefs, worry, anxiety, doubts.... everything you can think of. Be totally honest with yourself.
Remember, your journal is a safe place to express anything and everything, so give yourself permission to have that brutally honest conversation. And keep writing until you have exhausted everything you can think of. This is a practice of facing the truth about your life and acknowledging what hinders your growth and evolution. By doing so, you are also relieving yourself from carrying the burdens alone. After you have exhausted the list, conclude the journal by asking the Universe to take over and help you let go of those restrictions that are not serving you. Ask for guidance.
This will plant the seeds for the next step of your spiritual healing journey.
Now, pay attention to the subtle signs in the next few days. You might be guided to the right resources, books, websites, ideas, or conversations that help you to let go of some of the restrictions listed in your journal. When it comes, and your heart says "YES!", just go for it and seize the day! :D
Happy Journaling,